Visum für Belgien

Alle Informationen zur Beantragung eines Visums für Belgien.

Fees and payment details

What to pay, when
  1. Zuletzt aktualisiert am

Most of the time, you have to pay two types of fees on two different bank accounts: a contribution fee and a handling fee. Proof of payment of these fees must be attached to your visa application.

Please note! Some applicants are exempt from one or both fee(s).

Contribution fee

A visa application administrative fee must be paid to the Immigration Department before you submit the visa application.

Please consult the Immigration Office website to identify the amount of the fee per type of visa and follow the payment procedure: Fee | IBZ 

Handling fee

Before submitting the visa application to the Belgian Embassy, you must pay €180 consular fee per applicant. Some applicants are exempted. Please send us an e-mail for more details.

Bank Details: Berliner bank.
Beneficiary: Belgian Embassy Berlin, Jägerstraße 52-53, 10117 Berlin.
Account Information: IBAN: DE57 1007 0848 0512630500  BIC: DEUTDEDB110
Reference: Family name and first name of applicant, nationality.